现代侠客,路见不平,不计成本,跑断双腿。个体对抗谣言的难度,自己怎样调理早射往往就如电影里呈现的那样,而现实里又有多少次能真正辟谣成功呢。这是用良心拍出来的电影,融合类型化叙事,有着丰富多变的视听元素,落脚点又都能用喜剧去调侃解构,节奏足够明快紧凑。父女双线的情节都在探讨“为帮助别人,自己付出代价值得吗”,唯有兼具良心和勇气才能给出肯定的回答。主旨或许直白了些,但在大众传媒上确实需要有这样的电影来表明态度。 结尾给刷出的大火箭“666”很是意外惊喜,片尾第一个彩蛋更赞。
isnt this like the wildest dream of mine? study him from afar, maintain the illusion of normalcy, i could barely contain my excitement. wish for the day coming like we couldnt keep our hands off each other, but ive gotta tell u, the fantasy ive been having in my dreams is nothing sensual/ 3exual at all, so pure so platonic, the fact it nearly broke me like, i was attracted to u basically driven of 3ex in the first place wasnt i? n all the f tim e afterwards, am i angry at myself for being not that wanting u or.. idk anymore, can i filming u come? can i make u come, isnt this a massive thing in ur boys world like, cum1n, am i crazy? i dont want to spend the rest my life without ur comforting